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Monday, June 30, 2014

Essay: Literary (By Ade Wikytama)

            Literature as an oral or written work, has a variety of functions for the audience. The main functions include recreational function, educational, aesthetic, moral, and religious. Literature has recreational function because it can give entertainment that make the readers or audiences relax. Then, educational function means literature also can educate the readers. Aesthetically, literature can give a beauty itself. Beside giving a beauty, literature also can provide moral values ​​or the values ​​of the good life, and it’s called moral function. And the last is religious function that gives religious values can be imitated. But Jakob Sumardjo (1984: 14) said that if a piece of work is very attractive, but it contains a misleading experience of human life, the work does not deserve to be called literature. Thus, to be able to feel the usefulness of literature in our lives, we should know how the right way to appreciate and know well about it.
            Literature has some definitions. Robert Frost stated that literature is sometimes defined as anything written. Beside that, we can also say that literature defined as the work of an art, which brings about universal ideals and interest. Literature can be classified into any writing and verbal works of art. It has a sense of entertaining display and provides pleasure. It may consist of text based on factual information and fiction.
            There are three genres of literature. Poetry, prose, and drama.
            Poetry is an arrangement of words containing meaning and express ideas, experiences, or emotion with imaginative language. The characteristic of poetry is using sounds of words and the rhymes of phrases. It has some elements, such as rhyme, rhytm, figurative language, symbolysm, subject matter, theme, and imagery.
            Prose is a form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure. It consists of those written within the common flow of conversation in sentence and paragraphs. The forms of prose are biography, essay, novel, short story, etc.
            Prose has six elements, and there are theme, setting, plot, character, conflict, and point of view. Theme is the idea about the story. Setting is about place and time. Plot is arrangement of events in the story. Character can be good (protagonist) and bad (antagonist). Conflict is the problem in the story. And point of view is how the author tells the story, as the first person or the third person.
            Drama is the theatrical dialogue performed presented on stage, is divided into acts and has many scenes. It has some features, such as staging directions, moral value, a list of characters, and it is written to be performed. The types of drama are comedy, musical, tragedy, opera, etc.
            The elements of drama are almost same with fiction prose. There are theme, setting, plot, character, conflict, point of view, moral value, dialogue, and drama design.
            All of literary work is always related to backgrounds, author, readers, other literature, and an entity in itself.
            Literary appreciation is to analyze, criticize and understand literature. It is the ability to study, understand and appreciate the famous or noteworthy literature works. It refers to the evaluation of works of imaginative literature as an intellectual or academic exercise. In this process the reader interprets, evaluates or classifies a literary work with a view to determining the artistic.
Literary appreciation can be done gradually. The first stage is to know and enjoy. At this stage, we are dealing with a masterpiece. Then we take an action such as read, see or watch, and listen to a literary work. The second stage is appreciated. At this stage we feel the benefits or value of literary works that have been enjoyed. This benefits relate to the usability of itself. For example, give pleasure, amusement, satisfaction, and expand the mind and outlook on life. The next stage is understanding. At this stage, we take action researching and analyzing the elements that build works of literature, both elements of intrinsic and extrinsic elements. By doing it, we can conclude the literary work wether good or not and useful or not for people. The fourth stage is full and total comprehension. At this stage, we make a further analysis of the previous stage, then make the interpretation of literary works and make the argument based on the analysis that had been done in the previous stage. The last is the application or implementation stage. All the values, ideas, insights absorbed at earlier stages properly internalized, so that people can realize the literary values ​​attitudes and behavior in daily.
In appreciating literary work, we get a lot of benefits that can improve our language skills, increase the cultural knowledge, develop creativity and sense,  and also support the formation of characters.

Anggita, Kamila. 2012. Apresiasi Karya Sastra. [Online]. Available on: http://kamilaanggita.blogspot.com/2012/11/apresiasi-karya-sastra.html, (accessed on March 23, 2014)
Sumardjo, Jakob. 1984. Memahami Kesusastraan. Bandung: Penerbit Alumni.
http://www.anneahira.com/pengertian-sastra.html (accessed on March 23, 2014)