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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford

Oxford divides language learning strategies into direct and indirect strategies. Direct strategies are the strategies used directly in dealing with a new language, and there are three groups that belong to the direct strategies: memory, cognitive, and compensation. While, indirect strategies are the strategies used for general management of learning, and the three groups belonging to this category are metacognitive, affective, and social strategies.

Here, I wrote again all strategies written in Rebecca L. Oxford's book, entitled Language Learning Strategies; What Every Teacher Should Know, published in 1990. Why did I rewrite these strategies? Because some of my friends need this book to their research / research proposal / skripsi reference. Unfortunately, they get difficulty to find and copy this book. While, nowadays, many people want to get the simplest way to get or to do something. It will be very hard if you must buy a printed book and type again the contents of the book. So, I share these documents for you all. I hope it's useful for you...

          ·          DOWNLOAD FULL DOCUMENTS (Format *docx) Learning Strategies (Direct and Indirect)

          ·          DOWNLOAD EBOOK ASLI (Format *pdf) Rebecca L. Oxford "Language Learning Strategies; What Every Teacher Should Know" 1990


  1. Hi! I can´t open the archive, the password is not correct. In fact I don´t understand if your password is: jikabutuh or is bantuan

    1. From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download Now

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      From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download LINK

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      From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK gR

  2. Thank you so much for the book!

  3. Could u give me other link. I can't download the book . When i can, only Chinese letters appear.

  4. Hi! I've just found this site. I really need these articles, but I can´t download them. Are they still available?

  5. I can't download them. Actually I really need this ebook. can you help me ?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi send me the book languague learning Strategies- Rebeca Oxford. my e-mal is meirileneafadv@gmail.com

  8. hi..would you please send me this book by email ?
    my email is pesiawbu@gmail.com
    thank you :)

  9. OMG thank you sooo much for the docs

  10. From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download Now

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    From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download LINK

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    From Denta: Language Learning Strategies - Rebecca L. Oxford >>>>> Download Full

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